Yung Kien B Ganoderma Powder
勇健灵芝-B (粉未) (HALAH)


Content: 20 sachets per Box (each sachet 1g)

Ganoderma traditionally used for general health.
Ganoderma helps fortify the health, consolidate the physical constitutions, hence contributing to preserving optimal health.
This is a traditional product advertisement.


Ganoderma, also known as Lingzhi is well versed in its history of traditional Chinese medicine for the past 2 thousand years.

It reinforces your body’s strength and improves your physique. This aids in preserving your health at its prime at its optimal health.



Benefits Formula
● Boosts immunity

● Fight fatigue

● Improves memory

● Lower cholesterol

● Antioxidant

● Reduces inflammation


● Packed in a small satch for easy access and consumption.

● Dissolves in water for easy consumption


Major Ingredients Content
Ganoderma Powder 1g x 20 Sachets